Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Admittedly not the best of picture-taking conditions - through the rain-spattered window of a moving bus - but trust me, this recently developed housing area doesn't benefit much even from brilliant sunshine - not what I'd call inviting or inspiring. True, I don't live there (nor do I know anyone who does), but I've passed through it on several occasions. The houses are nicely varied in appearance (and probably cost a fortune to build), but aside from that it's just near-deserted streets, half the area is just one construction site after another, and apart from a school and a kindergarden there are no facilities of any sort, not even a convenience store. Dunno why people want to live there...

1 comment:

R.J. Keller said...

"Not inviting or inspiring" is right. How dreary, and I don't mean the rain. At night, how could you possibly know which building is yours?