Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can't Talk; Noveling

Working on my novel 'Crash' today (if you want details see my NaNoWriMo blog). My personal goal is to write 15000 words this month. So far I've managed about 3000. I forecast six days of hair-tearing, caffeine overdoses and carpal tunnel syndrome. Sleep deprivation is fun.


R.J. Keller said...


Write, write, write!
That's what I need...another Nano-ish goal. Thanks for the inspiration.

anilize said...

It works for me. Especially when I let someone else know about it - keeps the pressure on in a good way.

CharlotteV said...

Go for it! I made the first nano challenge of 50,000 but pooped out on the second one of adding 15,000 more. But it IS doable! Good luck!