Monday, June 2, 2008


I'm having a problem.
My Internet connection is flaking.
My provider has promised to send a technician to check the problem. Unfortunately they won't make it until next Tuesday.
So until then I'm left with no Internet access from home. Which bites, sucks and blows all at the same time.

"So how is she writing this?" I hear you cry.
I'm at the library, of course.
But - for some reason - I can't get the library puter to cooperate with my camera. So I can't upload pictures.

Oh well.
#1 Chick Friend has asked me to come visit for a few days, starting Wednesday. So I'll be able to update from her place.

Till then, guys :-)

PS: Perhaps without the procrastinative potential of ***The Web*** at my disposal I'll be able to pull myself together and get some writing done...

1 comment:

hoosiertoo said...

Never works for me.