Friday, July 25, 2008


So what's going on?

Essentially what it boils down to is that I haven't been posting for a few weeks now.

There's no technical excuse for this. My camera functions, more or less, as does my computer and my broadband connection. All systems remain go.

However I find myself suffering from what I can best describe as the summertime blues (I know, other people get low in the winter - what can I say - I'm contrary). And the trouble with this, as with most known forms of procrastination, is that the longer it goes on for the harder it is to break.

Eventually this too will pass; hopefully I'll be back before too long.

Until then - keep snapping.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


For those seriously overburdened with money, there's the official Festival merchandise available:

Others use a different means of lightening their load:

But the old standby remains this:Because it ain't Roskilde Festival without a proper mud bath! And while this year has been dry so far I doubt anyone has forgotten last year's rainout. It was getting to be ark-building time...

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Sadly, no festival without drugs.
The Festival as an institution tries to hammer the message home:But then, at this stall you can openly shop for various smoking paraphernalia...... and no doubt the sales guy would be happy to direct you to the nearest dealer.

It appears to be a losing battle.

So far the police have confiscated far larger quantities of drugs than earlier years. Not only the (at least over here) 'traditional' festival stuff like marijuana and hashish, but also this year a large number of E's and some cocaine. And a few days ago a Norwegian festival goer went into cardiac arrest after taking heroin, and remains comatose in hospital.

All I can say is: I've been to the Festival several times (though it's been many years now), and I never had any trouble having a good time without drugs. It really shouldn't be so hard...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Shopping pt. II

During Festival week, almost anything can be bought. Market stalls spring up like weeds:
The local shops also get in on the act:If you can't sell it during Festival week, it's essentially unsellable! Take this, for example... Loads of fun stuff to be had, if you're drunk or silly (or both) enough.

However, I have to say... Kurt Cobain in tie-dye... that's just wrong. Truly.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Today the 'real' Festival grounds are opened and official concert programme begins (there has been a series of less known bands playing on small stages in the camping grounds, some to very good reviews).
And for those intent on making their own contribution, instruments are sold literally in the streets:
Some allow themselves to be inspired...

... while others take the opportunity to lay in some more supplies:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Although the basic shopping needs are catered for in the camping area...

... most of the kids make the journey into town in order to shop more cheaply. Also, the 'official' music part of the festival doesn't start until Thursday...

... so there's plenty of time to spend money, and plenty to spend it on. And then, afterwards, there's the trip back:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


They come from all over, by any means necessary:

And the local bus company gets in on the act with a dedicated service between the train station and the Festival campsite:

Monday, June 30, 2008

Festival Week

It's that time of year again:

For a week the town's population will more than double as young folks from all corners of Denmark and beyond flock to Roskilde for a week's worth of camping out, having fun, and listening to cool music. And for those who don't remember what it's like the library has kindly put up a little 'reminder':

Blogger's Note

Note to readers: The posts spanning the week from June 30 till July 6 are all covering the same theme, namely the Roskilde Festival. Therefore each post may contain pictures that were not necessarily taken on the supposed date, as I've tried to give each post a sub-theme. Every picture was, however, taken during that week.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Teaser II

McDonald's test marketing a new menu?

(Keep watching this blog; all will be revealed. I promise.)

Saturday, June 28, 2008


A TARDIS convention?

(explanations will follow; watch this blog)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Fountain of Youth

Freshly minted high school graduates a-frolicking in the fountain (local tradition). I think it's safe to say the average blood alcohol level is non-zero...
About the headgear: Danish tradition dictates that students upon passing their last exam be presented with a 'student cap' (bought and paid for in advance; whether you follow the tradition is voluntary, though). The caps have different coloured bands, denoting which branch of youth education the student came up through (academic, business, technical etc.). This bunch have maroon bands, so it's the academic branch, and many will no doubt be starting university in the autumn.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Fences

I'm pretty sure this is giant hogweed (and some pretty poppies in the background).
Which means I didn't really want to get any closer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A few months ago I snapped this sculpture:
Now somebody else has snapped and vandalised it! Here's what it looks like now:
Close-up of the damage:
(I'd use stronger words but this is a family-friendly blog.)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lovey Ducky

Last month I snapped this mallard. Today he (or one of his twins) and a lady friend were back, apparently not bothered by the traffic in the square:
I came past again a couple of hours later, and they were still there! And the male was especially bold:
He was less than a foot from the lens; probably thought the camera was a new type of bread :-)
PS sorry about the angle, I was sitting down and shooting from the hip.
His lady friend was more shy; she kept to the middle of the basin.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Cloudy day. Then the sun broke through somewhat, and the roof of the steeple just seemed to light up (the pic doesn't quite capture it, I'm afraid).
And well... that's what this picture was about.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Light Nights

Taken shortly after midnight - so technically the 23rd, I know...
We don't quite get midnight sun, Denmark isn't far enough north for that, but around midsummer the sky stays fairly light even when it's darkest. At least it does when it's not cloudy...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In Clover

It's the bzzzzy season.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Leftover Goodie

The remains of last night's lasagna.

PS: it was delicious :-)

(and healthy... I put peas in it... and the pasta sheets were wholemeal... so practically health food... right?)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today's pic in honour of one of the world's most famous, fuzzy, furry feline overlords celebrating his 30th birthday!

Who says pasta ain't good for ya?!

So guess what I'm planning to cook tonight :-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Download Day pt. II: The Reward

I'm easily pleased.
At least they fill in your name for you.

Yep. I'm a geek :-)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Download Day

It's the day us geeks have waited for... the day Mozilla Firefox 3 hits the servers!

(it's official: I have no life)

Monday, June 16, 2008


Sunday, June 15, 2008


No comment.
Except to say don't be fooled by this pic... it's raining most of the time these past few days.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lilac Coloured...

I'm pretty sure it's a poppy. Don't think I ever saw a purple one before, though.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Build Me Up, Buttercup...

There's something about them (and I don't mean Mary)...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Duck Roast

Taking a break from all that paddling around.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The counter is barely long enough...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fresh Air

We may be an indoor Cat, but We still appreciate a healthy breeze around Our toes.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Heartsease II

A flower for many seasons...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fowl, not foul

Ducklings, yes. Ugly, no. I find them adorable. And so clearly not scared of people (I was crouching a couple of feet away from them and they totally ignored me). Probably they think humans=breadcrumbs.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Swanning Around

No ugly ducklings these... baby swans all in a row. Swan Lake :-)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hooked on Grass

This could be a long and meaningful relationship...